This qualification is intended for those who wish to gain an understanding of the principles and practices of internal quality assurance without any requirement to practice. This is a knowledge-only Award for those who are starting their journey as an internal quality assurer, or for those who need to know about assessment practice but who are not currently practicing e.g. a starting point for aspiring internal verifiers or a professional development qualification for managers, HR or quality assurance personnel.

Who should do this course?
The Level 4 Award in Understanding the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice (RQF) is intended for those who wish to gain an understanding of the principles and practices of internal quality assurance without any requirement to practice. It is a knowledge-only award. It has been designed:
- For individuals who are not in an internal quality assurer's role, or who have just started their journey as an internal quality assurer in the further education and skills sector / private sector
- For individuals who are interested in knowing more about internal quality assurance or who need to know about assessment practice as part of their role
- For individuals who want a short qualification to enable them to make career choices
- For individuals who are not currently practicing e.g. a starting point for aspiring internal quality assurers or a professional development qualification for managers, HR or quality assurance personnel
- For individuals who are carrying out assessments and quality assurance in most learning environments including FE, Adult Continuing Learning, Employers and Third Sector
- For individuals who are carrying out quality assurance in all occupational sectors
- For individuals working in accredited learning OR non accredited learning (where people may assess performance but do not assess for a qualification); the NQF and the RQF.
- For individuals who have already achieved some Education & Training or Learning & Development units that can be carried forward into this qualification
- For individuals who have completed some introduction to training qualifications

Level of Qualification/Skill Level
Level 4 learning would include:
- A planned approach to reading and research relating to principles, theories and practice
- Evidencing a coherent view of the role
- Evidence of a reflective approach
- Reflection on own practice grounded upon reading
- Consideration of how professional values impact on working in your area
- A style of presentation which involves adequate referencing to essential sources (Harvard Referencing)

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, you will:
- Understand the context and principles of internal quality assurance
- Understand how to plan the internal qualify assurance of assessment
- Understand techniques and criteria for monitoring the quality of assessment internally
- Understand how to internally maintain and improve the quality of assessment
- Understand how to manage information relevant to the internal quality assurance of assessment
- Understand the legal and good practice requirements for the internal quality assurance of assessment

Prerequisites/Before the course
- You must be a minimum of 19 years old
- Good reading & writing skills in English
- A lot of ‘Patience’ (This is an intensive course!)
- Knowledge of the subject you wish to internally verify
- It is recommended that learners hold one of the following qualifications prior to enrolling:
- Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
- Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
- A1: Assess candidate performance using a range of methods
- D32/D33: Assess candidate's performance/assess candidates using a different range of methods
- Filled up ‘Application Form’
- A photographic proof of identification [Any 1 of the following]
- Valid Passport with VISA (any nationality)
- Signed UK Photo Card Driving Licence
- Valid Warrant Card issued by HM Forces or Police
- Other photographic ID card, e.g. Employee ID Card (must be current employer), Student ID Card, Travel card, etc.

Awarding Organisation
- An OFQUAL approved nationally recognised Awarding Organisation (e.g. HABC or TQUK)

Certificate Title
- Level 4 Award in Understanding the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes & Practice (There is no mention of the mode of study on the certificate - People get the same certificate whether they attend the class based course or the online course)

Possible Results
- PASS / REFER - You cannot fail the course!!! (If there is anything that needs amendments on your theory assignments, the assessor would give you action points with guidance on how to achieve them in the next go! Once you are done with your theory assignments, you would be more than ready to be certificated!!!)

Course Fees & VAT
- £200 + £40 (20% VAT) = £240 (No hidden charges!)

Reasons to do the course with us
- Trainer with a QTLS Status (Qualified Teacher Status: Learning & Skills)
- Trainer with DTLLS, CELTA, Assessor (A1), Internal Verifier (V1) and various other qualifications in the Lifelong Learning Sector (unlike some other training companies where staff might not be highly qualified)
- Trainer with 13+ years’ of teaching/training/assessing experience, 7+ years’ full-time experience of delivering Teacher Training Qualifications like the PTLLS, L3 AET & Conflict Management courses, 3+ years’ full-time experience of delivering the TAQA (Assessors’ & Internal Verifiers’) course, 13+ years’ experience of delivering ESOL courses
- We have helped 1500+ learners in getting through their PTLLS qualification, 300+ learners in getting their new L3 AET qualification, 200+ learners in getting their L3 Conflict Management qualification and a few learners in getting their Assessor’s & Internal Verifier’s Qualifications so far
- We are a HABC, TQUK, AIM Awards, City & Guilds, & Pearson (Edexcel) approved centre. This is proof that quality is one of our main concerns and that we are not here for a quick buck. (unlike some other training companies that would give you unbelievable offers and fake promises)
- We would be more than happy for you to talk to our previous successful learners who have achieved their L3/L4 PTLLS, L3 AET, L3 Conflict Management, Assessor’s & Internal Verifier’s Qualifications from us

Our Guarantee
- If you are not satisfied with our course, you can ask for a refund within 7 days of your booking. We would deduct an admin fee of £50/- and refund the remaining amount!!! We are really confident about our course.

Course/Login Duration
- 30 Days from the day of payment - We have had learners who have completed the entire course in as less as 1 week
- A paid extension is available

Follow Up Support
- On-going Email Support throughout the course (We normally respond within 24 hours.)
- Telephone Support during Office Hours (9 am to 6 pm Monday - Saturday)

Certificate Turnaround Time
- 1 to 2 working weeks after successful completion of your theory & practical assignments (For most of our qualifications, we have a Direct Claims Status with the Awarding Organisations)

Delivery methods
The course would involve:
- Around 30 hours of online material in the form of Lessons
- Videos clearly explaining the concepts around Education & Training
- Audio/Podcasts clearly explaining the concepts around Education & Training
- Analytical reading texts
- Discussions with peers and tutor
- On-going quizzes throughout the course
and much more...

This Level 4 Award in Understanding the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice (RQF) assesses a candidate Internal Quality Assurer’s (IQA) knowledge of the principles and practices of quality assurance in a learning and development context. Evidence for this course could take the form of:
- Written Statements or Essay Type Answers by the candidate assessor - You would get the Guidance Notes on how to answer the theory assignments to keep you on track.
- Oral Statements or Answers by the candidate assessor (only for learners with Special Educational Needs)
- Professional Discussions between the candidate assessor and their own assessor (only for Special Educational Needs)