General Questions

Our Head Office is located in Milton Keynes.

However, we do run courses around the country. Please send us an enquiry online to see if we are running any courses around you. We can also arrange a course around your vicinity or at your venue if you have 5 or more learners for a course.

Course Information

Please bring with you, your passport/driving license, pens, highlighters and a notepad or loose paper. 

Make sure that you are on time, then you will be relaxed. There is nothing special you need to do, but bring your enthusiasm and interest in the course.

Payments – Terms & Conditions

You may use any of the following methods:

a) Online payment via PayPal

b) Bank Transfer

Bank: HSBC
Account Holder: The Teacher Trainer Ltd.
Account Number: 22253488
Sort Code: 40-23-13

c) Request a PayPal link to pay using your Debit or Credit card.

d) Cheque Payment: (This would be the least preferred method as it would delay the whole process until the time the cheque has been realised)